These are two of my lovely students, Eulalia and Romelia, who traveled 2 days to reach Guatemala City from the remote mountain village of Avocate. The girls have been working hard in the sewing room, learning to make cassocks for their priest. We were also joined by Presvytera Reina Elisabet … [Read more...]
Visit to Telpepan
As mentioned in a previous post, Archbishop Athenagoras of Mexico arrived for his first visit to Guatemala on June 15. He came to personally acquaint himself with the large group of faithful he had accepted into the Orthodox Church. Along with my husband, Fr. John Chakos, Fr. Andres Giron, and … [Read more...]
As I packed my bags to travel to Guatemala in the month of June, I anticipated very warm weather. Guatemala is in the northern hemisphere. It´s summer there, I thought, no need to pack a jacket. Well, it´s actually the rainy season. On sunny days it is quite balmy, but when the rain clouds roll … [Read more...]
More Arrivals and Departures
Arrivals can be fraught with surprises, as I have learned through personal experience. My own arrival in Guatemala, for example, took an unexpected detour through El Salvador. The next arrivals were a bit of a scheduling surprise to Mother Ivonne, the director of the orphanage. The day after my … [Read more...]
Departure and Arrival
I arrived safely in Guatemala on June 11, but getting here was a bit of a challenge. My 6.15 am flight time necessitated leaving home at 4 am. Sleep was not an option. By the time I got to the airport and entered a long line of expectant passengers, I had been awake for 24 hours. My palpitating … [Read more...]
Then and Now
A blast from the past - I had sent this around a while ago, but am posting it here to give you a chuckle: Some things change and some things stay the same. In the 60's, during our Peace Corps service, Fr. John taught in a University in the city of Rio de Janeiro. I taught sewing and pattern … [Read more...]
Amazing Developments in the Guatemalan Church
Hello Everyone! I apologize that this blog will not be very high-tech nor fancy. I hope that it will be informative and perhaps inspiring. The first three entries, which can be accessed by clicking on the links at right, were written by my husband, Fr. John Chakos, about his travels to several … [Read more...]
Mission Journey – Part Three
Part Three-Missionary Journey to Huehuetenango, Ixcan and Mexico Accustomed to traveling on the super highways of the United States, I was not prepared for the amount of adventure provided by this third and final leg of our journey. There were no road signs, gas stations, convenience stores or … [Read more...]
Mission Journey – Part Two
Part Two- Missionary Journey to Huehuetenango, Ixcan and México Having completed the first phase of our journey with the catechists, we departed for Ixcan on Saturday afternoon, May 26, stopping on the way, at the vibrant Orthodox community of Avocate for an overnight stay. As we entered the … [Read more...]
Mission Journey – Part One
Mission Journey to Huehuetenago, Ixcan and Mexico (May 25-29) On May 25, 2012, we left Nueva Concepción at 4 a.m., to begin a long missionary journey. Our first stop was the Centro Apostólico of the Guatemalan Orthodox Church in Huehuetenago. We exchanged the tropical heat of the Pacific Coast … [Read more...]